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Effect of Herbicides on Weed Infestation, Growth and Yield of Kenaf (Hibiscus cannabinus L.)

Md. Habibur Rahman, Md. Moshiur Rahman, Md. Shafiqul Islam, Farhana Zaman, Suriaya Parveen, Ahmed Khairul Hasan.


Weed control is important in obtaining optimum kenaf fibre yields. An experiment was conducted during April to September, 2015 at the Agronomy Field Laboratory, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh to evaluate the effect of two pre- and two post-emergence herbicides on weed control, growth and yield performance of kenaf. Nine treatment combinations involving two pre-emergence herbicides (Panida and Commit), two post-emergence herbicides (Quilop and Pyzero) and hand weeding were taken as treatments; and the treatments were - T1 = No weeding, T2 = Hand weeding, T3 = Panida, T4 = Commit, T5 = Panida + Quilop, T6 = Commit + Quilop, T7 = Panida + Pyzero, T8 = Commit + Pyzero, T9 = Panida + Hand weeding. The experiment was laid out in a randomized complete block design (RCBD) with three replications. The pre-emergence herbicides were applied at 2 days after sowing (DAS) while post-emergence herbicides were applied at 25 DAS at their recommended doses. The hand weeding was done at 25 DAS. The result revealed that the treatment T6 (Commit + Quilop) showed the best control of weeds as reflected by the lowest weed density and dry matter. Most of the yield contributing characters was found highest at the treatment T6 (Commit + Quilop). The present study concludes that the best weed control in kenaf could be achieved by applying Commit at 2 DAS followed by Quilop at 25 DAS.

Key words: Herbicides, Kenaf, Weed infestation, Fibre, Weed control

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