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Research Article

EEO. 2020; 19(3): 3639-3650

Zia - Musharraf Era And Pak-Us Relationship, A Tale Of Ups And Down.

Afzaal Amin, Hina Malik, Muhammad Hayat Khan, Dr. Manzoor Ahmad, Muzamil Shah, Faraz Ali, Sumayya Feroz, Riaz Ahmad khan.


If we looked into the historical background of Pak US relation we can conclude it that it was not a forced marriage for Pakistan but yes it was definitely one sided love from our side. US have always given prior importance to their national interest and whenever they achieved their interest they did not hesitate to turn their back on Pakistan.
Since the independence Pakistan has always been given priority to be in the block of USA. Pakistan joined SEATO and CENTO which was a Military alliance in the era of 1950s and 1960s.This thing was purely done to contain USSR Communism. We have already provided the Air bases in Badabera Peshawar from where U-2 Spy plane were used to do surveillance of USSR. The famous incident happened when U-2 spy plane went to capture pictures of USSR territory the plan has been hit by USSR and the pilot of the plan was captured.
Pakistan has always favored the USA policy whether it’s Afghan Jihad in 1980s, or the USA policies after 9/11. US always promote the establishment of democracy in the world. But if we looked into Pakistan case our relation remain very friendly with USA especially when there is dictatorship in Pakistan.
This thing was not for free of course Pakistan has been received so many Aids and technological assistance and also the US allowed them to have access to the US market. The net worth of Pakistan trade has reached to 2.5 billion dollars in 1980. This paper will explain the relationship status between USA and two military dictators Zia and Musharraf.

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