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Turk J Vasc Surg. 2023; 32(1): 34-41

The effects of pharmacomechanical thrombolysis treatment administered to patients with iliofemoral deep vein thrombus

Serif Yurt, Oruc Alper Onk.


Aim: In this study, the mid-term results of the pharmacomechanical thrombolysis treatment administered in patients with iliofemoral acute-subacute (patients with symptoms less than 21 days old whose DVT was diagnosed with physical examination and duplex ultrasonography) deep vein thrombus (DVT) were investigated. The cases were evaluated in terms of disease-related quality of life, and the presence of post-thrombotic syndrome (PTS) which occurred in patients after previous DVT and treatment, and if present, its severity was determined.
Material and Methods: Disease-related status of 40 patients (24 males, 16 females; mean age 44; age interval 20-80 years) treated due to iliofemoral acute-subacute DVT with interventional method between July 2013 and January 2017 were retrospectively analyzed two years after the interventional treatment. These patients were considered as mid-term patients. The patients were evaluated with VEINES-QOL/Sym quality of life scale and the Villalta scale. The occurrence and severity of PTS, the presence of venous ulcer, and the diameter difference between legs were evaluated.
Results: No venous ulcer was present in our cases. In the evaluation made with Villalta scale, PTS was not observed in 20 out of 40 cases, mild PTS was found in 15, moderate PTS in 4, and severe PTS was observed in 1 case.
Conclusion: We have concluded that pharmacomechanical thrombolysis treatment administered in well-selected patients reduced the severity of PTS and increased the quality of life associated with disease in DVT treatment.

Key words: Acute-Subacute deep vein thrombus, post-thrombotic syndrome, Villalta scale, venous insufficiency epidemiological and economic study quality of life/symptoms scale, pharmacomechanical thrombolysis

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