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Association of nutrition literacy level with sociodemographic data: Case of Afyonkarahisar

Nazan Erenoglu Son.


This study was planned to evaluate the nutrition literacy (NL) levels of randomly selected individuals aged 18-65 years living in Afyonkarahisar, Turkey, and to associate the NL with some of their sociodemographic characteristics. The data of this cross-sectional study were collected through a face-to-face survey technique. In the survey form created for the study, questions about descriptive characteristics and the Evaluation Instrument of Nutrition Literacy on Adults (EINLA) were included. The study was carried out between 15 September and 1 November 2021 with a total of 1,601 participants. The study was conducted with a total of 1,601 participants. The participants' mean age was 29.40±10.04 years, and as per the Body Mass Index (BMI) classification, 14.7% were underweight, 50% were normal weight, 25.7% were overweight and 9.6% were obese. In this study, the total NL score of the participants was found as adequate in 61.4% of them and borderline in 38.6%. In the BMI classification of the participants, the group with the highest total NL score was found to be individuals with normal BMI (65.6%- p=0.003). As the BMI values of the participants increased, their NL portion knowledge levels decreased (p

Key words: Adult nutrition, nutritional habits, nutrition literacy

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