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RMJ. 2015; 40(2): 177-179

Penile fracture: results of early repair and delayed repair

Hameed-ur-Rehaman, Tufail Ahmed, Nisar Ahmed and Malik Hussain Jalbani.


Objectives : To assess the results of early repair and delayed penile fractures.
Methods: The patients presenting with penile fractures comprise comparative study Those who have came with in 6 hours, penile injury are considered as early presentation while those who have came after 24 hours of penile injury are considered as de¬layed presentation. 18 of the total 10 patients were in early group while 8 were in delayed group.In earlier cases 8 patients presented with unilateral corporeal injury while 2 patients have bilateral corporeal injury and in delayed case 7 unilateral corporeal injury while 1 patients have bilateral corporeal injury. All the patients were treated by surgical repair by standard method with subcoronal circumferential deglov¬ing incision.
Results:Age ranges from 16 to 60 years. Commonest cause of penile fracture are vigorous intercourse where female on top side, bending during erection, masturbation and blunt trauma. wound infection,plaque formation, penile curvature,urethral stricture,impotence and skin necrosis are the commonest complication specially in delayed repair.
Conclusions: The early surgical correction is better results than delayed repair in term of complication.

Key words: Fracture penis, earlier and delayed repair..

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