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Assessing genetic diversity and DNA barcodes efficiency of Salacia and related species from Western Ghats, Karnataka

Abhijeet S. Badiger, Maruthi Katenahally Rudrappa, Shrisha Naik Bajpe.

Cited by 1 Articles

The genetic diversity of 10 genera belonging family Celastraceae (four Salacia species and nine other genera) was analyzed using 11 intersimple sequence repeat (ISSR) primers. Species discriminating ability of DNA barcodes rbcL, matK, and internal transcribed spacer (ITS) was evaluated for Salacia species sequences originating from Western Ghats of Karnataka and Kerala. For ISSR analysis, a total of 46 samples were collected from Western Ghats of Karnataka. ISSR primers revealed a mean polymorphism of 29.21 ± 7.89%. The DNA barcodes showed a high level of universality for polymerase chain reaction and sequencing. The ITS had the highest discriminate ability of 67.13% in the neighbor-joining tree-based method and in TaxonDNA software’s, Best match (BM) and Best close match (BCM) had 59.59% and 58.58% correct identification success, respectively. Consortium for the Barcode of Life Plant Working Group’s recommended barcodes matK, rbcL, and combined matK + rbcL, had lower correct identification success in both the tree-based method and TaxonDNA’s BM and BCM.

Key words: Celastraceae, genetic-diversity, DNA-Barcode, species-discrimination, Salacia, Western-Ghats

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