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Sokoto J. Vet. Sci.. 2020; 18(4): 197-204

Endoparasites of fresh water fishes from rivers in Edo State, Nigeria

EC Osimen & LI Anagha.


Parasites of fish constitute one of the major problems to fish health. Parasites of fish have been a great concern since they often cause disease conditions in fishes. This study described the parasitic faunas of eight fresh water bodies in Edo state (Ikpoba river, Ogba river, Ujogba river, Niger river at Illushi, Obe river, Gelegele river, Niger river at Agenebode and Osomegbe river). The duration of fish sampling was from October, 2017 to November, 2017.The fish samples (whole catch sourced from fishermen) were collected for identification, morphometric analysis and examination for the presence of parasites. One-way ANOVA and Tukey Honest Test were used to compare the data among size classes at the level of p

Key words: Edo state, Freshwater fishes, Fish parasites, Helminths, Parasite taxa, Nigeria

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