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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(3): 3735-3750

Investment Decision And Financial Literacy- A Bibliometric Analysis

Prof. (Dr.) C.S.Yadav, Ms.Anju Rana, Amit Gupta.


The purpose of this study is to review the existing literature on Investment Decision and Financial Literacy to present the current state of the publications in the field of investment decision and financial literacy. The study depends upon Bibliometric Analysis. Financial Literacy is basically related to the management of their own money in such a way that it enhances their standard of living which automatically enhance economic growth of a country. Investment Decision means to analyse the different avenues available in the market and to choose the best one in which money will be invested. This study aims to determine the developing trend of investment decision and financial literacy research in any of the way published by leading journals indexed by Scopus. The data analysed consisted of 238 indexed research publications from 2006 to 2022. The data is then processed and analysed using the biblioshiny application to find out the bibliometric map of the development of Financial Literacy and investment decision research.

Key words: Financial Literacy; Investment Decision; Bibliometrics (Biblioshiny); Scopus database.

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