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IJMDC. 2022; 6(11): 1393-1401

Factors affecting the choice of career in family medicine among medical students in Saudi Arabia: a cross-sectional study

Abdullah Mohammed Allehyani, Saad Fardan Alqahtani, Ayman Abdullah Alraddadi, Ebraheem Ali E. Althagafi, Faisal Abdulhadi Alqahtani, Salman Ali Alotibi, Husam Hamdin Alhasnani, Mokhtar Shatla.


Background: Increasing the number of family physicians is one main aspect of the National Transformation Program in Saudi Arabia. Thus, this study aimed to assess factors influencing medical students’ choice of family medicine (FM) as a future career in Makkah, Saudi Arabia.
Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted from November 2021 to March 2022 at seven medical schools. The participants were in their clinical years (fourth, fifth, sixth, and interns). A self-administered online questionnaire in English-language was distributed to participants, who were subsequently divided into two groups according to their choice in either FM or other specialties. The questionnaire was utilized to compare the participants’ sociodemographic characteristics, factors influencing their choice of career, and knowledge of the National Transformation Program.
Results: A total of 422 participants completed the study questionnaire, of which 192 (45.5%) students preferred FM. It was reported by 182 (43.1%) students that a member of their family is a medical professional. Most participants were males (n = 268; 63.5%). Influencing factors included working with patients to address their psychological, social, and lifestyle problems (79.1%), wanting a relatively easy residency (83.4%), working with non-emergent and relatively well patients (78.6%), and preferring a wide and diverse range of cases (85.9%).
Conclusion: Factors influencing the choice of FM as a future career were the expansion of the FM training program, shortage of family physicians, short residency, working with non-emergent, relatively well patients, having long-term relationships and a personal bond with patients, and future educational and research opportunities.

Key words: Family medicine, selection of specialty, Saudi medical student, Saudi undergraduate.

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