Air Pollution is the presence of any gaseous substance, dust particles or liquid vapors which are in atmospheric concentration that lead to harmful effects to the environment. This pollution leads to many harmful diseases having acute and chronic effects on human beings and it can be seen that automobile emissions contribute to more than 60% of air pollution. Also, burning of soil fuel indoors is also one of the factor.
This paper estimates the damage and effects of air pollution on living beings. Air pollution in interurban areas is a major and serious problem. Regular increase in air pollution is a major concern to the health system of human beings as well as plants and animals. Emissions from vehicles are of prime concern since these are base level sources and accordingly maximum affect everyone. This paper has made an attempt to find out the influence of air pollution on Human Health through machine learning approaches. This study focuses on AQI (Air Quality Index) to evaluate the possible implications on human health with the help of linear regression model.
Key words: Air Pollution, Machine Learning, Data mining, AQI, Linear Regression.