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Accessing the prevalence of cancer biomarkers in suspected patients from northeastern part of Bangladesh

Mohammad Abul Hasnat, Md. Waseque Mia, Saifuddin Sarker, Md. Belal Chowdhury, Musaddik Ahmed Chowdhury, Md. Zafrul Hasan.


Background: Early detection and/or characterization of cancer associated biomarkers have revolutionized the personalized treatment approach of cancer to date. Therefore this study was design to accessed the prevalence of suspected cancer biomarkers from northeastern part of Bangladesh.
Materials and Methods: A total of 892 patients’ data were analyzed in a cross-sectional manner and the collection period was 2017 to 2019. An ELISA-based chemiluminescent microparticle immune assay was used to detect serum cancer biomarkers. An unpaired t-test was used to compare the independent variables.
Results: Data were clustered into four categories; group1 (10-17 yr, adolescent), group2 (18 to 35 yr, young adult), group3 (36 to 55 yr, middle), and group4 (>55 yr, older adult). Serum PSA level was higher in group4 than group3 (mean ± sem, 8.422 ± 1.423 vs 3.884 ±1.15 ng/ml). CA-125 is significantly higher in females with age > 35 yr (older and middle) than at age

Key words: cancer biomarker, prevalence, treatment plan, local community

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