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Knowledge regarding child rearing among teenage pregnant women in a rural area of West Bengal: A cross-sectional survey

Nirmalya Manna, Pushpak Das, Abhishek Reja, Sudipta Das, Debasis Das.

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Background: Child rearing practices are very important determinants of overall growth and development of child. As mother is primary caregiver of child, her knowledge regarding child rearing is very important. Unfortunately, till today, in India, teenage marriage and teenage pregnancy are very common. These adolescent mothers are not only underprepared physically and psychologically for giving birth and rearing a child successfully, but also it is assumed that have no proper knowledge. However, there was no sufficient research study for assessing knowledge regarding child rearing among teenage pregnant women in West Bengal, especially in rural area.

Aims and Objectives: Assessing the knowledge regarding child rearing practice and its relationship with the determinants among teenage pregnant women in rural area of West Bengal.

Materials and Methods: A descriptive community-based cross-sectional epidemiological study was conducted in rural field practice area of Medical College, Kolkata among 99 adolescent pregnant women during time period of July–December 2021. Data were analyzed in SPSS software version 20.

Results: Mean age of the respondents was 17.60 (±1.23) years. Among the participants 58% being school dropout and 46% were homemaker. Maximum number of participants was
married and got pregnant within age group of 15–17. Only 59.6% had good knowledge about child rearing. Number of child and perceived social pressure was statistically significant with the CRK score.

Conclusions: The government should give more emphasis to improving maternal education and preventing teenage marriage and teenage pregnancy as a long-term strategy for improving child health.

Key words: Knowledge; Child Rearing; Adolescents; Teenage Pregnancy

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