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Review Article

ECB. 2022; 11(7): 83-88


Dr. Vinay Sivaswamy, Aditi Chopra.


Dental implants are fixtures with subsequent restorations in the form of crowns and bridges placed in the location of
missing teeth. Its care is of utmost importance, to prevent the accumulation of a legion of bacteria to form a slimy sticky layer
called a biofilm. Biofilm formation on oral implants can cause inflammation of peri implant tissues, which endangers the long-term
success of osseo-integrated implants. Prevention of biofilm formation is necessary to ensure the long activity of restoration.
Commonly, surface coatings, dispersal agents, heat treatment, nano structuration and bacteriophage releasing materials are used.
Material topography and composition have also been studied. This review was done to raise awareness about biofilms in dental
implants and to analyze and compare the previous methods of prevention and recent advances in the field of biofilm formation.

Key words: Biofilm, dental implants, titanium, Peri implant tissues, Periodontitis.

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