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Original Article

Ulutas Med J. 2020; 6(3): 156-161

Outcomes of Two Years Follow-Up after Loop Electrosurgical Excision Procedure in a University Hospital

Burak Sezgin.

Cited by 2 Articles

Introduction: We aimed to determine our experience on Loop electrosurgical excision procedure (LEEP) in patients with cervical preinvasive lesions in an academic hospital in two years follow-up period.
Materials and Methods: Data from 64 patients with cervical preinvasive lesion who underwent LEEP were analyzed retrospectively. Human papillomavirus (HPV) status, cytological outcomes of patients before LEEP, and after 2 years follow-up period were documented.
Results: Prior to LEEP, 94.52% of patients were positive in terms of HPV status. HPV positivity rate was detected as 13.89% after LEEP. The most common detected HPV type in residual lesions was HPV 16. 67.19% of patients who underwent LEEP have negative cytology after two years follow-up period. The other cytological outcomes at this period were as follows; 21.88% of patients had ASCUS, 9.38% of the patients had LSIL and 1.56 % of patients had HSIL cytology. Surgical margin status was positive in 6.25% of LEEP specimens. There were 3 patients who underwent re-LEEP in two years follow-up period for HSIL.
Conclusion: The LEEP procedure was applied to patients with HSIL and ASC-H with satisfactory recurrence rates in two years follow-up period.

Key words: Leep; HSIL; HPV; LSIL; Cervical cancer; Preinvasive lesion

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