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Knowledge and attitude regarding the COVID-19 pandemic among healthcare workers at a medical college and hospital in South India

Madhavi Singh, Devraj Lath, Jayasri Reddy, Balakrishna N.

Cited by 3 Articles

Background: The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has provided multiple challenges within the health-care sector. There is an urgency to rapidly update and prepare all staff members not only for effective patient care but also decrease risk of occupational exposure. Earlier studies conducted indicate that non-physicians, non-nursing staff may possess significant lacunae within the required knowledge base.

Aims and Objectives: We decided to study knowledge and associated attitude among healthcare workers at our hospital to enable further policies regarding awareness programs.

Materials and Methods: We provided 104 employees (front desk, housekeeping, pharmacists, security, and technical staff) with a validated questionnaire to assess knowledge and attitude regarding the COVID-19 pandemic. Descriptive statistics, Chi-square test for association, and logistic regression analysis were conducted to analyze the results.

Results: About 69.2% of respondents demonstrated a good knowledge level while positive attitude was obtained in 74% respondents. Higher education and profession (technical staff) showed a trend in determining a good level of knowledge. Less than 80% score in the attitude section was associated with the source of information being newspaper (P = 0.02) and peers/family (P = 0.014). Logistic regression analysis with multiple independent factors indicated increased age (>33 years), security, housekeeping, and pharmacy-related work as risk factors for a poor level of COVID-19 related knowledge.

Conclusions: The knowledge score and attitude regarding COVID-19 is satisfactory within the hospital staff. Increased educational input involving the housekeeping, security, and pharmacy staff may improve COVID-19 related knowledge.

Key words: Attitude; COVID-19; Knowledge

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