In The Apprentice (1974) Arun Joshi presents the protagonist, Ratan Rathor, alienated from his pure self and as a victim of this money-minded corrupt society. It is a self-analysis by Ratan of his own crisis of identity and consciousness. Finally he tries his atonement through humility and penance by wiping the shoes of the temple-visitors daily. Arun Joshi has influenced not only by Western Philosophers and Indian Philosophy, but also by Gandhian Image and Principles. Ratan is a tormented and confused hero who makes his confession not before the S.P and Army man but to a young student who, in his opinion, is the most suitable receiver of his confession because he is innocent and untouched by the corrupt ways of life.The idea of anxiety arising out of the chaos prevalent in modern life is analysed in this paper.
Key words: Desolation, despair, Ratan Rathor, Arun Joshi, anxiety.