Background: Metabolic syndrome (MS) refers to a group of modifiable risk factors consisting of insulin resistance, glucose intolerance, increased triglyceride and decreased high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol levels, and arterial hypertension, occurring in some individuals and associated with an increased risk of developing cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes mellitus. The raised serum uric acid level as a marker for generalized metabolic derangement is on the rise. An independent effect of elevated serum uric acid on atherosclerosis, as measured by such a surrogate marker, has been suggested for the influence of MS and other factors. Asymptomatic hyperuricemia is also found to have an independent association with a cardiovascular disorder. Metabolic disturbances such as visceral obesity, dyslipidemia, hyperglycemia, and hypertension are risk factors for cardiovascular disease.
Aims and Objectives: The study was conducted to find out any association between MS and hyperuricemia which would be relevant as a biomarker to diagnose the fatal but avoidable cardiovascular complication and to treat them at the earliest.
Materials and Methods: Height, weight, blood pressure, waist circumference, body mass index (BMI), blood uric acid levels, fasting blood sugar levels, serum triglyceride, and serum HDL cholesterol measured among a group of 298 subjects (198 cases and 100 controls) attending outpatient department of North Bengal Medical College and Hospital.
Results: Hyperuricemia significantly increases with an increase in age and BMI. Subjects of MS (Cases) significantly have more systolic and diastolic blood pressure, fasting plasma glucose, raised serum triglyceride, uric acid, and low HDL than their healthy counterparts (control). Hyperuricemia is significantly associated with MS cases irrespective of sex after menopause of females, but males are more affected than females when the age group is not considered.
Conclusion: An association was found between MS and uric acid level that may help the medical community to include the uric acid level measurement to be a routine diabetic, hypertensive care level, and decrease the burden of cerebrovascular disorder arising out of complication due to hyperuricemia. Association of serum uric acid level with MS and its relevance as a biomarker as cardiovascular risk outcome will have significant clinical importance.
Key words: Metabolic Syndrome; Hyperuricemia; Oxidative Stress; Atherosclerosis; Cardiovascular and Cerebrovascular Risk