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Research Article

EEO. 2020; 19(4): 5478-5491

An Analytical Study Of Area-Wise Potintial Of Mobile Internet

Dr. Jasbir Singh.


Mobile phone is the best friend of the present generation. Mostly people use the smart phone. Smart phone cannot function without internet. So, internet is the primary requirement for the smart phone user. This paper shows the trend of the growth of mobile phone and internet user in India, urban area and rural area. This research also found rural area had low growth rate of mobile and internet user in compared to India and urban area. Correlation, CAGR and mean analysis is done to find the effects of certain parameters which effect the mobile and internet growth in India. Paper analysis also finds the correlation with total internet access and Mobile internet access. In the present era Mobile and internet growth is closely linked with each other. India is called youngest country because more than 40 percent of total population comes in the category of young population. According to some study’s in 2019 out of total internet user 38% internet user are kids which comes in the age group of 15 years and blow. So, youth is a big market for smart phone and use of internet.

Key words: Correlation analysis, CAGR, mean analysis, mobile phone, internet, subscription rate, Tele-density, penetration etc.

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