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Research Article

EEO. 2019; 18(2): 987-1012

A Study On Different Causes And Impact Of The Acts And Laws Of Domestic Violence On Victimized Women Of Different Caste In Nalbari District

Dr. Rita Moni Das, Dr. Nitu Moni Das.


Domestic violence is a violation of fundamental, universal human rights. International human rights law outlines an individual’s fundamental right to be free from violence and the obligation of Government to provide a remedy when these rights are violated. Women are more likely to be victims of domestic violence than men. Print and electronic media in their daily news focus on the occurrences of domestic violence in different states in India in which mainly females were victimized. In India, people basically go to different temples admiring themselves as enthusiast and bow their heads to different Goddesses like ‘Durga’, ‘Kali’, ‘Saraswati ’etc. Thus, they believe that power of knowledge and sagacity, strength, allure etc. flow from Goddesses. But unfortunately the live symbols of Goddesses are disregard and thrown out tortured by the people. Lifeless statues are treated as Goddesses and offerings are made by the devotees, in spite of their gender. Yet in the same society real life women are tortured and embarrassed. Though females are said to be the backbone of a society, still they are the ill victims of every kind of violence in today’s world. It is said that female, as a mother, is the first educator of a child and she has to play various roles in the society. Thus, a woman has to be perfect enough otherwise she might lose her own personality. So, we can say that women are the true nation architectures as they primarily build the future generations of the country. But we still, view violence against women in the present society, in various forms either organized or structural violence.
In our society, there are many women like-Malala, Mari Kom, Kalpana Chawla, Sanjukta Parsar who are in a high position and always used to win in a work. Violence is a normal or composite phenomenon everywhere and it is difficult to speck a single factor or proposes one theoretical substructure to explain obeisance. At the same time the missing instance of crimes against women in India is a matter of sepulcher concern. A wide open debate has been chased on the incident of the Delhi gang rape which has shaken the conscience of the nation. This incident has exerted the Government to review the laws and apparatus in place to address such ferocious acts of violence against women.
Now the question arises -Does domestic violence has different impact on different social structure based on caste, community, religion and class? Our study reveals that impact of domestic violence is more or less same on females of all types of societies irrespective of caste, creed community religion and class. Females of all sections of societies suffered from domestic violence have fatal consequences, sometimes event to death, suicide or homicide. It can also cause a maternal mortality. Violence against females including domestic violence has a major impact on females’ physical and mental health. It also affects child rearing in the family. Violence against females can lead to sexual and reproductive health disorder, depression and psychological breakdown. It restrict over all development of females directly or indirectly.
In this paper an attempt has been made to find out the causes of serious types of domestic violence and its impact on women belonging to different castes with special reference to Nalbari District, Assam. Remedial measures to prevent such types of violence on women have also been suggested.

Key words: Domestic Violence, Females, Impact

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