According to various Unani physicians, the kabid (liver) is considered as one of the most vital organ of the body, responsible for the metabolic functions mostly the production of Akhlaat(humors). Amraze kabid (liver diseases) are frequently associated with abnormalities of the skin, nails and hair. Amraze kabid can give rise to numerous extrahepatic disorders among which skin disease occupies a central place Yaraqan Asfar (Jaundice), and pruritis, Fasad al-Lawn (pigmentary changes), Dakhis (paronychia), palmar erythema, all are recognized sequelae of amraze kabid. Knowledge of these cutaneous manifestations helps in suspecting an underlying systemic illness. Ali Ibne Abbas Majoosi, Ibn Sina, Ibn Rushd, and other Unani physicians have described various cutaneous parameters for the determination of the temperament of the liver. The present review study was aimed to focus on the cutaneous manifestations described by Greco Arabic physicians that may be found in various liver diseases.
Key words: Skin, Liver, Temperament