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Research Article

EEO. 2020; 19(3): 3606-3616

Mixed Methods Analysis of Factors Influencing Self-Efficacy in Student-Teachers during Teaching Practices

Nosheen Kanwal, Dr. Muhabat Khan, Noreen Kanwal.


Teaching practice plays an important role in the development of self-efficacy believes in student-teachers, but there are many instances that can low self-efficacy level in student-teachers. Bandura contends, “task of creating learning environment conducive to development of cognitive competencies rests heavily on the talents and self- efficacy of teachers" (Bandura, 1997, p. 240). This study was conducted to investigate the student-teachers’ self- efficacy believes regarding teaching practice. Mixed methodology was adopted to get comprehensive understanding of self-efficacy perceptions of student-teachers. Two research tools were used, a questionnaire named TES (Teacher Efficacy Scale) developed by Gibson & Dembo in 1984 was administered, moreover, 5 focus-group discussions were conducted to be familiar with self-efficacy level of student-teachers. A total of 489 student-teachers were selected using convenient sampling method. Study concluded that student-teachers have average level of self-efficacy believes regarding teaching practice and its features such as choosing and applying appropriate teaching strategies in the classroom, managing classroom and managing behavior of pupils. Moreover, the data revealed that student-teachers were unconfident regarding altering the strong influence of family background of pupils that serve as hindrance in their study. This study recommended the student-teachers’ self-efficacy believes should be developed during course work and an educational psychologist should be appointed, whose duty is to counsel the issues faced by the student- teachers and enhancing the self-efficacy level of student-teachers at the end of each teaching practice day.

Key words: Student-Teachers, Teaching Practice, Classroom Management, Teaching Methods, Self-Efficacy

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