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Research Article

EEO. 2020; 19(4): 5435-5447

Practices and Challenges: Lived Experiences of Supervisors and Supervisees regarding ICT integration in Research and Supervision Process at Public Sector Universities of Pakistan

Nosheen Kanwal, Dr. Shehzad Ahmed.


The focus of the study was to explore the practices and challenges of supervisors and supervisees regarding integration of ICT during research and supervision process in public sector universities of Pakistan. A qualitative research approach was used. Participants of the study were the faculty members who were supervising M. Phil and PhD Scholars and the supervisees who were working on their M. Phil and PhD dissertations. Respondents were selected through multi-stage sampling technique. Semi- structured interviews were conducted to collect data. Data were analyzed using qualitative data analysis strategies such as codes, concepts, categories and themes. Themes emerged from the analysis of semi- structured interviews of supervisors and supervisees are; basic knowledge of ICT applications, contributions of seminars and workshops in developing ICT skills, point of views of supervisors and supervisees regarding integration of ICT applications during research supervision process, experiences regarding integration of ICT applications during research supervision process and the challenges supervisors and supervisees confront while using ICT applications during research supervision process. Findings of the study are expected to contribute for provision of further policy implications for improvement of ICT facilities in public sector universities.

Key words: Practices, Challenges, Supervisors, Supervisees, Research, Supervision

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