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BMB. 2023; 8(1): 62-67

The Analysis of Serum Calcium and Urine Calcium/Creatinine Ratio in Diagnosis of Preeclampsia Elif Basol¹, Savas Ozdemir² ¹ Saudi German Hospital, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Dubai, United Arab Emirates ² Istanbul Prof. Dr Cemil Tascıoglu City Hospital, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Istanbul, Turkey Corresponding Author: Elif Basol¹, MD Address: Saudi German Hospital, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Dubai,

Elif Basol, Savas Ozdemir.


The Analysis of Serum Calcium and Urine Calcium/Creatinine Ratio in Diagnosis of Preeclampsia
Objective: Preeclampsia is one of the primary reasons for maternal and fetal morbidity and mortality. Maternal and fetal complications can be prevented by early diagnosis, treatment, and follow-up of preeclampsia. This study aims to determine the clinical diagnostic value of serum calcium (Ca) levels and urinary calcium/creatinine (Ca/cr) ratio in preeclampsia.

Methods: A retrospective study was conducted on a sample population of 183 pregnant patients diagnosed with preeclampsia who delivered singleton babies at the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Sisli Etfal Training and Research Hospital, Istanbul, Turkey, between January 2010 and January 2012. The patients were divided into two groups. Group 1: preeclampsia; Group 2: preeclampsia with severe features. Serum Ca levels and urinary Ca/cr ratios of the patients were evaluated and compared.

Results: Hypocalcemia rates were higher in Group 2 (93%) than in Group 1 (58%). There was a statistically significant difference between the distribution of patients in the two groups according to serum Ca levels (28.339; 1; p=0.0001). The urinary Ca/cr ratios were lower in Group 2 due to the decreased calcium extraction (58.481;1; p

Key words: Keywords: preeclampsia, urinary calcium/creatinine ratio, serum calcium Anahtar kelimeler: preeklampsi, idrar kalsiyum/kreatinin oranı, serum kalsiyum

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