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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(4): 4183-4191

Role Of Financial Technology In Digital Transformation

Dr. Anugrah Rohini Lall, Rudransh Kandpal, Dr. S.K. Sarkar.


The current study focuses on the upcoming financial technologies are potentially advantageous for its abilities to bring unmatched efficiency to financial system, To harvest benefits from financial technology, jurisdictions globally have been experimenting with policies and regulations to keep financial technology under control and provide it enough liberty at the same time. Administrations are cautious and curious. Large number of policies with regards to fintech have focused on activities that are enabled by the technology. Financial technology is mixed application of several existing technologies – biometrics, cryptography, IoT, and artificial intelligence, to name a few. The study brings out the concept of fintech and its implications.

Key words: Financial , Technology , Digital , Transformation

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