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JHSPE. 2023; 3(1): 1-9

Development, validation and reliability study of a semi structured questionnaire to measure Job satisfaction in medical officers at PHC

Deepak B Sharma, Rakesh Patel.

Cited by 0 Articles

Background: Job satisfaction is a very important aspect. A specific questionnaire that measures the construct of interest may not be readily available. Job satisfaction is a complex phenomenon and is affected by many direct and indirect factors. A questionnaire measuring job satisfaction in PHC medical officers in India is not available. So, it was thought to develop a new questionnaire that may correctly elicit the job satisfaction of PHC medical officers.
Aim and Objectives: The current manuscript is eliciting the process of development of a questionnaire, validation study, reliability, and factor analysis.
Materials and Methodology: A questionnaire was developed. The questionnaire was given to 50 medical officers of PHCs in a district-level meeting. It was completely revised and assessed for validity and reliability along with factor analysis.
Results: The questionnaire was prepared and 3 different parts were identified along with four constructs in job satisfaction. Reliability analysis was done and Cronbach’s alpha was found to be 0.709. Different forms of validity testing were done. Quantitative estimation of validity was done by calculating the content validity ratio and content validity index average and universal agreement.
Conclusion: A new questionnaire suiting to the focal needs to be developed when a special situation is to be studied and the same has to be validated. On a wider scale, this questionnaire can be used to measure the job satisfaction of PHC medical officers, to get more details about the validity and reliability.

Key words: Job satisfaction, PHC, Medical Officers, Anand, Validity, Reliability, Factor analysis

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