One of the most popular climacteric fruits, tomatoes contain numerous nutrients that are essential to human nutrition, including vitamins, minerals, lycopene, beta-carotene, and other bioactive substances. Due to a lack of appropriate processing technique, a large amount of postharvest loss is usually experienced every year as it is a highly perishable vegetable. This study aims to increase the shelf life and quality of three tomato varieties (BARI Tomato-8, BARI Tomato-10, and BARI Tomato-11). Firstly, chemical analysis (pH, TSS, titrable acidity) of prepared aloe vera gel (AVG) along with antioxidant properties was determined. Then three tomato varieties were coated with aloe vera gel (AVG), sodium benzoate (SB), the combination of aloe vera gel and sodium benzoate, and without any coating considered as control. Treated samples were then analyzed for pH, TSS, weight loss, titratable acidity, and antioxidative activities during storage. Treated samples (10% AVG, 3% SB solution, and 3% SB +10% AVG) showed a gradual increase in pH, TSS, weight loss, and a decrease in the titratable acidity as well induced antioxidative activities differently during storage in comparison with the control one. The antioxidant capacity was calculated up to 78.25 % for 10% Aloe vera gel treated samples while aloe vera gel had 15.22% radical scavenging activity (RSA). In all tomato varieties, more than 50% DPPH radical inhibition had been observed for most of the treatment groups except 3% SB after 21 days of storage. Overall, 3% SB mixed with 10% AVG showed the best results among the four treatments.
Key words: Tomato, aloe vera gel, sodium benzoate, edible coating, antioxidant, shelf life