A otherwise healthy male, past middle age, presented to orthopaedic outpatient department with painless soft to firm slow growing swelling on lateral aspect of left thigh. The routine investigations along with chest xray and ultrasonography of the whole abdomen were all normal. The ultrasonography of the thigh revealed a heteroechoic mass within the substance of the vastus lateralis muscle. Core biopsy showed smooth muscle cells with blunt nuclei interspersed with blood elements. A provisional diagnosis of benign leiomyoma was made and wide excisional biopsy carried out. Histopathology revealed absence of cellular atypia, mitotic activity and coagulative necrosis. Immunohistochemistry was positive for smooth muscle actin, vimentin, and desmin. Thus, histopathology and immunochemistry helped in arriving at the definitive diagnosis of this rare form of soft tissue tumour.
Key words: Leiomyoma, Deep Somatic Soft Tissues, Extremity of Male