Osteoporosis is a disorder that affects commonly the people above 65 years, impairs the functional status, decreases the life quality, and increases mortality and cost. Lateral screening of vertebra or displaying of proximal femur with DEXA is gold standard method for the evaluation of diagnosis and fracture risk in elderly subjects. Physical examination for the analysis of risk factors of falling and laboratory methods for the diagnosis of secondary osteporosis were used. While increasing muscle strength and balance, exercise programs, calcium and vitamin D supplement are helpful in the prevention of falling. As anti-osteoporotic drugs, aleandronat, risedronat, and strontium ranelat have anti-fracture efficiencies for both hip and vertebra fracture. It is considered that the making of periodically routine health examination is important for early diagnosis and treatment in elderly people. In routine examination of elderly subject, it would be helpful that declaring of actions to be done for the prevention of osteoporosis development, if occured, the stopping of progression, and the prevention of falling as part of health training.
Key words: Elderly, Osteoporosis, Health Education, Fracture. Article Language: Turkish English