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JCBPR. 2021; 10(2): 222-231

Evaluation of the Turkish Parental Support for Fighting Scale (PSFS)


Cited by 0 Articles

The purpose of this study was to adapt and evaluate the psychometric properties of the Turkish version of the Parental Support for Fighting Scale (PSFS; Orpinas, Murray, & Kelder, 1999) which measures the adolescents’ perception of their parents’ support for aggressive and non-aggressive solutions. Five-hundred and sixty-six middle school students participated in the study. The mean age of the participants was 13.09 (SD = .95). Confirmatory factor analysis was used to test the construct validity of the PSFS. The results of the fit indices, (RMSEA = .04, GFI = .98, AGFI = .97, CFI = .99 and TLI = .98) indicated that the model fit of the two-factor structure of the PSFS was perfect fit. The Cronbach's alpha internal consistency coefficient and split-half reliability coefficients were calculated to determine the reliability coefficients of the subscales. Cronbach alpha coefficients of the factors were .81 for the Parental Support for Aggressive Solutions (PSFS) and .62 for the Parental Support for Non-Aggressive Solutions (PSNAS). Split-half reliability coefficients were .78 for the Parental Support for Aggressive Solutions and .72 for the Parental Support for Non-Aggressive Solutions. The correlation between the two subscales was found significant and the coefficient was - .44. In the light of the study findings, it was concluded that the Turkish version of the PSFS is a valid and reliable measurement tool and can be used in studies conducted with adolescent samples.

Key words: Aggression, Parents, Adolescents

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