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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(1): 7174-7181

Development Of Cognitive Parameters In Children Through Play

Dr. Niengtinkim Gangte .


Play is essential for children’s overall growth and development as it helps them to think more abstractly and creatively. When they get to play, they get to immerse themselves in playing activities. Children develop solutions to self-generated problems and other cognitive thought processes through play. Cognitive development is the construction of thought processes, including remembering, problem-solving, and decision-making, from being an infant child to an adolescent or adult. Recent studies have shown that play contributes to cognitive development by enhancing imagination and memory, reasoning, social skills, linguistic abilities, creativity, and mental health, which is essential for shaping the child’s future. The primary purpose of this study is to assess the parameters of cognitive development through play in children by delving into a review of recent research and studies on the matter. For this purpose, this study has used the qualitative research method, which is descriptive. The study concluded that cognitive development in children is majorly dependent on the play. This review study claimed that parents and teachers play a significant role in providing play opportunities, which also benefits them in staying mentally happy.

Key words: Cognitive parameters and development, play, children, problem-solving, decision making, creative thinking.

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