Hydrocele is one of the most common disease of the male, with incidence of 1 in 1000 cases. Primary hydrocele is of idiopathic origin and secondary hydrocele are caused by infection or tumours. Surgery is the gold standard treatment. This retrospective study was conducted to determine the advantages of minimal dissection technique vs. Jaboulay’s procedure in small and moderate size hydrocele. Methods and Materials: In this study 86 cases of hydrocele were included and divided in two groups. In group I, minimal dissection technique was done and in group II, conventional Jaboulay’s procedure was done. The two groups were compared with regard to operation time, hospital stay, return to work, recurrence and other results. Post-operative complications noted. Categorical data were statistically analyzed. Results: The study showed better results in respect of operative time, hospital stay, return to work, patient satisfaction in patients in minimal dissection group when compared with patients in the conventional Jaboulay’s procedure.
Conclusion: Hydrocelectomy is considered the gold standard technique for the treatment of hydrocele and the minimally dissection technique provide the best operative outcomes regarding scrotal edema and hardening and patient’s satisfaction when compared to conventional eversion-excision hydrocelectomy.
Key words: Primary Hydrocele, minimal dissection technique for hydrocele, Jaboulay's Procedure