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Review Article

SJACR. 2020; 1(2): 14-23

A Review on Ni2P and Ni-Mo catalysts for bio-oil transformation to transportation fuel via hydrodeoxygenation

Murtala M. Ambursa, Aminu K. Rabi’u, Yakubu Yahaya, Aliyu Muhammad, Muhammed F. Umar, Sayudi Y. Haruna..


Nickel-based catalysts have attracted significant attention due their promising activity with regards to bio oil upgrading and fuel transformation. Furthermore, nickel is readily available and cheap. Among the widely studied nickel-based catalysts, Ni2P and Ni-Mo catalysts have received particular attention. Therefore, it is highly paramount to review the accrued literature on Ni2P and Ni-Mo catalysts for hydrodeoxygenation of bio oil. So, the focus of this review is to collect and discuss Ni2P and Ni-Mo catalysts for hydrodeoxygenation of bio oil towards transportation fuels via its model compounds with more emphasis on the catalytic activity and selectivity. To this end, this review is divided into two sections: the first section deals with the review of Ni2P catalysts, while the second section reviewed the literature for Ni-Mo catalysts for the bio oil conversion processes.

Key words: Bio oil, Conversion, Ni2P catalysts, Ni-Mo catalysts, Hydrodeoxygenation

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