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Assessment of the Antidepressant Side Effects Occurrence in Patients Treated in Primary Care

Enisa Ramic, Subhija Prasko, Larisa Gavran, Emina Spahic.


Introduction: It is an undeniable fact that antidepressants can cause side effects. Antidepressants generally have a similar effect but they differ in their application safety, as well as their side effects. Aim: To determine differences in the frequency and intensity of antidepressant induced side effects in patients treated in primary care. Methods: The research was designed as a prospective, cross-sectional study, conducted on a voluntary and anonymous basis, and it included depression patients treated with antidepressant medications during 2013-2015 in Zenica-Doboj Canton using the Hamilton Depression Rating Scale and Toronto Side Effects Scale. Results: The total sample included 508 subjects. As a significant problem, abdominal pain was felt by 14% of subjects, indigestion by 19% of subjects, nausea by 15% of subjects, diarrhea by 9% of subjects, and constipation by 11% of subjects. 29% of subjects suffered from sweating, 20% suffered from a sudden heat stroke, 10% suffered from swelling, and 23% of them reported suffering from dry mouth as a significant problem. The prevalence of side effects in relation to how do they affect life and daily activities of subjects is statistically significant (P

Key words: depression, antidepressants, side effects of antidepressants.

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