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Study of anxiety, stress, and depression level among medical students during COVID-19 pandemic phase in Jamnagar city

Nileshwari H Vala, Madhuriben V Vachhani, Ashvin M Sorani.

Cited by 60 Articles

Background: Medical education is a known stressor for medical students. Anxiety, depression, and stress are common in medical students due to different stressors in medical education, as suggested by the previous studies.

Aim and Objective: This study was conducted to evaluate mental status and prevalence of anxiety, stress, and depression among medical students during coronavirus disease (COVID)-19 phase.

Materials and Methods: This study was conducted in 250 1st-year MBBS students of Shri M. P. Shah Government Medical College, Jamnagar, after getting approval from the Institutional Ethical Committee. Pre-structured questionnaire-based DASS21 scale was used to conduct this study through Google form after obtaining written consent from the students.

Results: In our study, we found that prevalence of anxiety, stress, and depression in 1st-year medical students was 17.20%, 15.60%, and 10.80%, respectively.

Conclusion: In our study, we found that anxiety, depression, and stress are present in medical students. In COVID-19 phase, students are not attending medical colleges and all the teaching process is online. Even at home, medical students are suffering from anxiety, depression, and stress. Early evaluation and intervention should be done to reduce anxiety, depression, and stress in medical students.

Key words: Anxiety; Depression; Stress; DASS 21, Medical Students; Coronavirus Disease-19 Pandemic

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