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Research Article

EEO. 2020; 19(4): 6896-6906

Analysis And Implementation Of Productivity Improvement In Cylinder Head Rough Machining

Manoj kumar M,Dr.S.Arunprasad, Prabhu V,Dr. U.Tamilarasan, elmurugan, Karthikeyan K.


The cylinder head rough machining unit at Chennai plant continues to face the challenges of improving productivity. It is important to provide the desired quantity to the end consumer by improving the efficiency of the plant. The company has a production capacity of almost 142 components per day. This capacity cannot be produced due to various losses. The study aimed at identifying the root cause of these losses and to propose methods to increase the productivity. Pareto chart and bar graph are used to plot various factors that affect productivity. This project mainly focuses on reasons for breakdown, part rejection and high cycle time, which is a threat to the organization. In order to improve the productivity of the organization, the most severe cause is identified which is the high cycle time of the process. Then it is studied in detail and found that among 15 operations, the operation 85 (Bolt hole drilling) exceeds the target time. On observing the split-up time of operation 85, it is found that the time taken by the drilling cycle is high. Hence it was suggested to increase the feed (m/min) of the tool in order to increase the productivity. Thus, a better system was proposed and implemented in the organization under study.

Key words: Bar graph, breakdown, cycle time, cylinder head, drilling cycle, pareto chart, productivity, target time

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