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Dusunen Adam. 2011; 24(2): 139-144

Six month follow up of adolescents with inhalant abuse

İbrahim Taymur, Hidayet Çalışkan, Hasan Varol.


Objective: This study aims to evaluate 6 month follow up results of adolescents who were found to have inhalent abuse in Elazığ province and voluntarily agreed for follow up and treatment. Method: Seventeen adolescents with a history of abuse of volatile compounds were voluntarily included in the study. At the beginning and during follow up, families and schools of adolescents were visited. During 6 month follow up, supportive psychotherapy was carried out once a week. Results: Adolescents participating in the study were all male. 53% of those adolescents had committed a crime or encountered legal problem. The mean age for the onset of inhalant use was 13.6±2.1. There was also alcohol and marijuana use in 83% of the adolescents. At the end of 6 month follow up, it has been observed that 4 adolescents had a regular job, 4 continued to school regularly, and all of them quitted inhalant use. Conclusion: The results of the study suggest that, informing about inhalant use, following up and supportive psychotherapy may have been helpful for quitting inhalant abuse.

Key words: Volatile substance, adolescent, individual supportive therapy

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