Investing in various types of funds with the intention of boosting returns or wealth appreciation is referred to as investment decision.An investor decides which investment to make in order to achieve social, cultural, and environmental gains as well as, to some extent, financial returns.The persistence of the study is to scrutinize the factors influencingdecision of an investment of Uttarakhand's individual equitystockholders.Six exploratory questions were posed to examine people's attitudes in Uttarakhand while making an equity investment decision for retail investors as part of a qualitative study approach used to assess the decision of equity investment made by retail investors in that state.Semi-structured interviews were used to get the data.Each interviewee's time was allotted between 20 and 25 minutes.Ten interviews total were done in the city of Dehradun.According to the study's findings, people base their financial decisions more on comfort or morality than on quantitative analysis.Psychological biases play a big role in their investing decision-making, and they often overcome difficulties by drawing on their own experience.Investors believe that the state's demographic and economic factors encourage better investment decision-making.
Key words: Investment Decision, Retail Investors, Equity Investment.