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Fixation of forearm fractures with intramedullary k-wire or elastic nail by fluoroscopy in children and radiation exposure

Seyhmus Yigit.

Cited by 0 Articles

Aim: To show midterm results and compare the two methods utilized in pediatric forearm fractures fixation and the risks of radiation.
Material and Methods: We conducted retrospective studies of 62 children and adolescent between the age of 6 to 16 years who were exposed to traumatic forearm fractures and treated with methods of fixation mini open reduction and intramedullary K-wire pinning(group 1) and close reduction and intramedullary elastic nailing(group 2). Patient data included age, gender, the mechanisms of injury, fluoroscopic screening time, dose area product (DAP) value, union time, duration of hospitalization, and complications.
Results: There was a significant difference in radiation exposure and radiation-related cancer risk in group 2 (P

Key words: Cancer risk; fluoroscopy; fracture healing; pediatric forearm fractures; radiation risk

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