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Handedness affecting sensory nerve conduction study of median and ulnar nerveChetankumar B Desai, Yogesh Kacha, Pradyna A Gokhale, Pritesh Gandhi, Hemant Mehta, Chinmay J Shah. Abstract | | | Cited by 0 Articles | Background: Sensory nerve conduction studies (SNCSs) are specific measurement for functional integrity of peripheral sensory nervous system as well as invaluable testing in clinical electrophysiology testing and these studies confirm for underlying abnormality to differentiate at pre-ganglionic level or post-ganglionic level in large myelinated axons. Right handedness is a striking asymmetrical cerebral function in >90% of population which is under the control of the left cerebral hemisphere.
Aim and Objective: To study SNCS of upper limb in the right and sensory nerve conduction velocity [SNCV]) of median and ulnar nerve antidromically on between the right-handed and left-handed subjects.
Materials and Methods: This present study was conducted on 91 healthy subjects using instrument RMS Aleron EMG/NCV EP-II Mark-401 instrument 4 channels after obtaining permission from Human Ethics Committee, Government Medical College, Bhavnagar.
Results: Our study shows longer latencies, duration, and amplitude but slow SNCV in right-handed subjects which statistically not significant between the right- and left-handed subjects.
Conclusion: In this study, it indicates that SNCV was longer in the left-handed subjects. It may be due to limb and cerebral dominance is developed from childhood by different types of perceptions along with learning process involvement
Key words: Handedness; Sensory Nerve Conduction Study; Median Nerve; Ulnar Nerve