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Dusunen Adam. 2008; 21(1): 32-37

Multipl Incest Cose in a Family

Sefa Saygılı, Sinem Gönenli.


Sexual exploitation includes the use of children who are not completely developed in terms of psycho-social aspects by adults for sexual stimulation. Incest is defined as the occurance sexuel relations between close blood relatives. Children with mental retardation are 4 to 10 times more vulnerable to victimization than nondisabled children. After the denouncement to the Gendermaire it was understood that the boy with his mother and sister and the father with his daughter had sexual intercourse without their will. Also it was then understood that raped mother and girl are having mental retardation. After the forensic medicine investigation it was decided the father and son have full age and capacity. Allthough there is lots of literature about incest cases; in this mentioned family there is multipl incest relationships that makes the case discrete. According to our knowladge there is no such a triple like incest case in the literature.

Key words: Sexuel abuse, incest, mental retardation

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