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Dusunen Adam. 2008; 21(1): 4-13

Burn-Out Syndrome, JOB Satisfaction Among Psychiatrists Working in Istanbul and Their Relationships with Different Variables

Nedim Havle, M. Cem İlnem, Ferhan Yener, Huriye Gümüş.


Objective: In our study, we analyzed levels of burn-out syndrome, job satisfaction among psychiatrists and psychiatry residents and their relations with different variables. We planned to establish socio-demographic features belonging to the subjects and qualities of their working areas,to determine levels of burn-out and job satisfaction, and to develop possible solutions to the assessed problems. Methods: Psychiatrists and psychiatry residents working in various hospitals in Istanbul (Bakırköy Research and Training Hospital for Psychiatry, Neurology and Neurosurgery (BRSHH), University Psychiatry Clinics, Training and Research Hospitals and State Hospitals) are included in our study. The subjects willing to participate are presented with ?Maslach Burnout Inventory?, ?Minnesota Satisfaction Inventory? and ?sociodemographic data form? in closed envelopes. Findings and Results: Burn-out syndrome -frequently observed among areas where primary concern is to serve human beings and where the factor as an individual is highly considered in the quality of service- leads to considerable amounts of economical loss, workers quitting jobs and to ruined doctor-patient relationship. First step to take is to acknowledge the concept of ?burn-out? and come to a degree of discussion upon it in order to solve this problematic issue which not only has personal but also institutional and political aspects concerning health.

Key words: Burn-out, job satisfacition, psychiatry

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