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RMJ. 2024; 49(4): 759-762

Correlation between information support, anxiety, and satisfaction with care among family members of patients admitted to intensive care unit

Abdullah Usman, Bakhtayar Ali Shah, Irfan Ullah Khattak, Sardar Ali, Ijaz Arif.


Objective: To assess the correlation between information support, anxiety, and satisfaction with care among family members of patients admitted to the intensive care unit.
Methodology: This correlational study was carried out in district Swat. Data were collected using a standard questionnaire from 132 participants. Data were analyzed using SPSS version 24.
Results: There was a significant (r =. -252, p=0.004) correlation between the anxiety level and family satisfaction. There was no Correlation (r = .04, p=0.615) between the level of anxiety and informational support. Besides, no correlation (r = 0.03, p=0.7) between informational support and family satisfaction was found.
Conclusion: The family members of patients admitted to the critical care unit experience anxiety, dissatisfaction, and informational support. Proper management is necessary to address these issues.

Key words: Informational support, anxiety, family members, intensive care units, satisfaction.

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