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Dusunen Adam. 2006; 19(4): 204-211

Electroconvulsive Therapy in Pregnancy: A Review

Nihat Alpay, Çağatay Karşıdağ.


Pregnancy is a period in which changes occur in psychological, physiological and social aspects. The treatment methods for psychiatric disorders in this period show some differences. Psychotropic drugs giyen in pregnancy period may have some side effects trimesters. In this period, various physiological changes also affect drug pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics. Particularly neuroleptics, antidepressants and other psychotropic medicines taken in first trimester, cause more teratogenic effects in fetus. When symptoms are severe, or in the presence of treatment resistance or medication which is chosen for treatment is potentially harmful for fetus, ECT becomes an important alternative in treatment. In conclusion, if administered by experienced team, ECT is a relatively effective and safe treatment.

Key words: Pregnancy, neuroleptics, teratogenity, ECT

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