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Dusunen Adam. 2006; 19(3): 131-136

Evaluation of Enuresis Nocturna History of Childhood in Adults and Their Dissociation Levels

Murat Gülsün, Ali Doruk, Alper Evrensel, Ali Fuat Baykız.


Objective: Enuresis nocturna is one of the most frequent disorders in childhood. Although, psychiatric problems are not frequent in enuı-etic children; psychiatric problems are reported more in this group compared with normal individuals. The aim of this study was to investigate the dissociative symptoms in the adult group with histoı-y of enuresis nocturna in childhood. Method: 70 of four hundred cases with a history of enuresis nocturna were evaluated and compared to seventy normal individuals as a control group with similar sociodemographic features. Semi structured interview form and Dissociative Experiences Scale were giyen to all subjects. t test, correlation analysis and Mann Whitney U test were performed statistically. Results: Dissociative Experiences Scale total points were significantly higher in the group with enuresis nocturna compared to the control group, according to the t test. (t: 4.504, p

Key words: Adult, childhood, enuresis nocturna, dissociation

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