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Case Report

A rare asymptomatic left bochdalek hernia in an adult with allergic rhinosinusitis: A case report

Sabiu Abdu Gwalabe, Jacob Amos Dunga, Abdullahi Musa Kirfi, Auwal Adamu, Yakubu Bababa Shirama.

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Bochdalek hernias are extremely rare in adults with only a few cases known worldwide. This is a case of 50-year-old, male who presented at Ear, Nose and Throat clinic of our hospital with symptoms of odynophagia, sore throat, unproductive cough, sneezing, facial fullness and headache. No associated other systemic symptoms. The nasal examination revealed engorged inferior turbinates in the nose bilaterally with septal spur to the left. Chest X-ray done showed a rounded opacity of a soft tissue mass in left middle to lower zone; middle mediastinum adjacent to left lower heart border. Computerised Tomography scan showed a fairly oval hypodense non-enhancing soft mass seen in the left hemithorax with conclusion of part of omentum in the chest due to Bochdalek hernia. He was given treatment for the allergic rhinosinusitis. Due to non-availability of cardiothoracic surgeon in our hospital, the patient was counselled on the problem and danger that may arise and asked to see a cardiothoracic surgeon in the country's capital city for possible repair of the defect.

Key words: Adult, Allergic Rhinosinusitis, Chest Soft Tissue Mass, Bochdalek Hernia

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