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RMJ. 2022; 47(4): 1026-1029

Effectiveness of exclusive breastfeeding holistic education

Eni Folendra Rosa, I Gusti Ayu Putu Desy Rohana, Msy Hartina Ulfa.

Cited by 0 Articles

Objective: To find the knowledge before and after holistic exclusive breastfeeding education.
Methodology: We used Quasi-experimental non-equivalent control group design with static group comparison approach and included 80 participants in the study. Holistic education on breastfeeding was given for two months (five times) compared to education on Mother and Child health books (MCH books).
Results: There was a significant difference in maternal knowledge in the intervention group before and after the holistic education intervention (p=0.000). The difference in the average increase in knowledge between the two groups was 42.58 (p=0.000).
Conclusion: The increase in knowledge on exclusive breastfeeding through holistic education for two months was greater than education in the MCH book.

Key words: Holistic education, exclusive breastfeeding knowledge, breastfeeding mothers.

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