Technology has become an integral part of the modern era. At present, the influence of technology can be seen in every sector. The communication sector has witnessed a faster growth with respect to technology. The most recent technology used for communication is social media. Social media is one among the popular technology which connects people around the world. People could communicate with each other from any part of the world and at anytime. The onset of corona virus pandemic changed the lifestyle of people entirely. Social media gained much importance during the lockdown days of the pandemic. Social media helped people to overcome isolated situations by creating a virtual interaction among each other. During lockdown days, every field relied on Social media including education sector. Numerous Social media platforms were used for the teaching-learning process. In this study, Social Media Enabled Learning modules were developed and implemented on a group of students in order to analyze their attitude and interest in learning with Social media, with respect to gender. The most popular Social media platform WhatsApp has been used for the study since it is universally accepted Social media platform and also user-friendly.
Key words: Social media, Social Media Enabled Learning.