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Investigation of rotavirus and enteric adenovirus antigens in children between 0-14 years old

Fatma Avcioglu, Mustafa Behcet.


Acute gastroenteritis (AGE) is an important cause of mortality and morbidity, especially in children. Rotavirus, norovirus, and adenovirus are the most common viral AGE agents in Turkey. We aimed to investigate of rotavirus and adenovirus antigens in children between 0-14 years old with acute gastroenteritis admitted to the Bolu Abant İzzet Baysal University Training and Research Hospital. Rotavirus and adenovirus antigens were investigated by a combo rapid immunochromatographic diagnostic test (Eco test®, United Kingdom) in a total of 2,675 stool samples. One or more viruses were detected in 238 (8.9%) stool samples. Rotavirus antigen was detected in 191 (7.14%) stool specimens and adenovirus antigen were detected in 47 (1.75%) stool specimens. Both virus antigens were detected positive in 13 (6.8%) the stool samples. The detected rotavirus antigen positivity was higher under the age of 5 than other age groups; a statistically significant difference was found between age groups (p< 0.05; p< 0.00). In conclusion, rotavirus and adenovirus-associated AGE were most commonly found in the age group between 0–5 in this study. Also, the prevalence rates of viral AGE were found to be lower in the authors’ region when compared to other regions, probably due to the higher rates of rotavirus vaccination.

Key words: Adenovirus, rotavirus, stool

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