In December 2019, a novel member of human RNA coronavirus later named SARS-CoV-2 (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome-Corona Virus-2) was first identified in Wuhan, China. Albeit an identical transmission method to SARS coronavirus, SARS-CoV-2s transmission rate is comparatively higher than that of early 2000s SARS coronavirus. Nonetheless, traditional public health protocols similar as those used to eradicate SARS such as extensive surveillance and top-down enforcement of community quarantine in some areas may still be effective in reducing peak incidence and global deaths though may cause numerous side effects. Therefore, to inflict least amount of damage, a solution justifying both adequate biomedical security and economic interests is required to avoid additional cross-sector damages within the country. As economic activities must go on, both local and international migrant workers begin moving around freely despite risk of being infected along the journey. Asymptomatic cases and poorly applied biomedical security in countries departed from may further contribute to. Thus, a solution is needed to prevent further spread the rapid spread of the virus throughout the home nation. Joint screenings and unyielding protocols must be implemented on every mass public transportation terminals, internationally coordinated between nations to limit COVID-19 spread simultaneously once and for all. Arrivers must be obliged to undergo interview combined with body heat, COVID-19 symptoms, and oxygen saturation check. People unable to show a legal health certificate with requirements stated by the government must undergo a period of quarantine while taking rRT-PCR (real-time Reverse Transcriptase - Polymerase Chain Reaction) or serological rapid test to prove his negativity of COVID-19.
Key words: COVID-19, Migrant Worker, Transmission, Solution