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Effect of substitution wheat with Fagopyrum esculentum flour and Moringa oleifera leaf powder on the nutritional and sensory characteristics of cookies

Rekha Kaushik, Shiv Kumar, Swarnim Thussu, Poonam Khanna, Rahul Mehra.


In recent decades, there has been an upsurge in demand for health-promoting functional foods. The present study was intended to enhance the nutritional quality of whole wheat flour (WWF)-based cookies by incorporating buckwheat flour (BWF) and Moringa oleifera leaf powder (MOLP). The hypothesis is that a composite of whole wheat and BWF combined with MOLP can improve the nutritional content of cookies. Raw materials, including WWF, BWF, and MOLP, were analyzed for moisture, fat, protein, fibre, and carbohydrates. Among raw materials, BWF had the highest content of fat (3.72 g/100 g) and fibre (8.64 g/100 g), whereas MOLP had the highest concentration of protein (10.39 g/100 g) and carbohydrates (77.04 g/100 g) when compared to WWF. BWF cookies (40% WWF and 60% BWF) and buckwheat moringa cookies (40% WWF, 60% BWF, and 1% MOLP) cookie formulations were formulated and compared to WWF cookies for their nutritional content. The inclusion of BWF and MOLP in cookies significantly (P < 0.05) enhances the concentration of protein, fibre, carbohydrates, total phenolic contents, and minerals (Fe and Ca). A 9-point hedonic scale was used to measure the sensory acceptability of cookies during 0, 30, 60, and 90 days of storage in polypropylene (PP) and biaxially oriented PP packaging.

Key words: Cookies; Buckwheat flour; Moringa oleifera leaf powder; Sensory; Storage

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